--> Act natural

( Thursday, Jan. 09, 2003 1:46 am )

>Give me back my evil heart

Juney said, "So did you have a good time tonight?"

"Yes," I said, in an appropriately enthusiastic tone, trying to hold my eyes open.

Actually, what I meant by yes was no, because I only ever have fun when I am being actively flirted with, I've realized, and even feeling smart and again having the chance to admire the sexy, male-slut science geek close up cannot revive an evening that lacks that key ingredient. Call was sitting too far away, and anyway I've begun thinking that I walk by random people on the sidewalk that I would be potentially more compatible with than him. So anyway, I felt real uncomfortable and started drinking as quickly as possible, letting my glass be refilled attractively from the pitcher by Sexy Skinny European Long-Haired Boy, and fantisizing about how I could drunkenly tell Call that though I am the Queen of Subtle, I like like him (sort of, for lack of any better option).

I was also pissed off from having just received a craptacular note from Landlady Ellie suggesting that I was trying to rip her off in billing her for the painting I've done, though it's merely her fault for not keeping track. So I kept myself busy writing drafts for my snotty note back to her in my head. It goes like this: "I understand how you could lose track of all the charges, but I don't want your stupid money you stupid whooor. Also, stop making the whole fucking house blue." Hello, anger management. We woke her up coming in tonight and I was quite content. It's slightly hard to balance my extreme annoyance with the fact that she's been leaving little presents on the stairs for us (chocolate, scented soap) though.

We won Quizo again tonight. My drill still hasn't come yet.


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