--> Act natural

( Tuesday, Jun. 25, 2002 11:43 am )


Just my usual afternoon at home, though today I have resolved not to be such a cranky baby, but rather amuse myself and those around me. Also, I'd like it if my narrative of my daily experience was something I could actually share with others (ie. "I went to the dry cleaners, I did laundry, I wrote 20 pages, I sent out query letters, I talked to June, Kelly, and Justine"--rather than: "I listened to Bjork as a way of resolving my morning angst, I obsessively checked the mail, I daydreamed about being a celebrity, I watched the Price is Right with Adam, I read 30,000 online diaries while checking my email obsessively." Both of these schedules can fill your whole day at home, but only one sounds productive to other people). I'm starting off my new productive day by doing some laundry (sad sidenote: All my clothing is clean, but I've come to suspect that Tide is making me itch, hence everything must be washed again in nicer detergent. So, one part of my productive day is using a little scientific method to determine if the clean clothes were indeed the culprit, or if I have 1) bedbugs, or 2) chicken pox. My next mission is to write SOMETHING. That is my quest. I'm not sure whether to count lunch as something productive. It feels like it, but again, not something that makes a good narrative.

June's coming back from Florida today, I think, which is good because she and Justine and I are gonna get some Japanese dinner some day this week. I always feel a bit inferior to Nathan's multiple Renaissance-man hobbies (ie music, photography, it goes on and on), but I really think that going out to eat with my friends should count as one of my hobbies, don't you? That's not too shallow. And I read books for goodness sakes, that's wicked deep. Although the last two I read were by Maeve Binchy and Danielle Steel, but I have read Moby Dick in the past, so I still feel like the PCU smartypants my diploma says I am (though it's in Latin, so I can't be sure. I never took Latin because the classes met at nine a.m. four days a week. True story.) But to get back on track, June and Justine and I are also due to go see Gillette Castle, which is this old house and little park area here in CT that somehow they've never been to. Probably next Monday. That day will be hella productive!

Goddamn am I itchy. Sometimes I am so pretty it astounds me. Nothing like hanging about in stained clothes scratching my ass to make me feel like I've finally arrived in the world. Well, I'm off to get my laundry and make my bed and put on real clothes. Then, off to the bullet points of accomplishment.

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