--> Act natural

( Sunday, Oct. 20, 2002 2:59 am )

>Who watches over you?

It's late, but let's just say, between you and me, that I know I'm not going to sleep any time soon anyway, so I may as well update as plenty has happened in the last two days. First of all, let it be known that I am now a party girl and have been out late both nights of the weekend. Congratulations to me.

A Tom Story:

Friday night I went out to meet the science geeks at a bar in the city, which I was very glad to do, although my pre-bar nervousness had set in around 8 because it was Tom (the guy from the party) that called to invite me to come. As everyone enjoyed relaying to me, he likes me. Tremendous. Well, I for one am ready to soak up the liking. My other favorites Dutchie and Jelly Boy were also there liking all over me, so I had a good time. Tom is my age (or, sixth months older, I guess), but he's quite tall (6'3"--an exact foot more than Nathan) and was also dressed up (business casual) so I began to feel oddly that I was being liked by an actual adult person, and it was a little bit scary. I like to go out with guys that I could take in a fight. Anyway, I guess after enough hours of focused drinking, Tom was ready to tell me that he liked me and ask if I like him, and I had to say that yeah, I liked him, but I knew he had a girlfriend. I did not use the word "moot," so again, congratulate me. So he got all uncomfortable and told me about it (long term relationship, he seems to me to be on the fence about breaking up, this other chick told me it was because she's Catholic and not putting out). It's like he wanted to be assured that I would want to go out with him if he broke up with her, and I was like uh uh, homeboy, do not put that on me. Though I enjoyed having a tall boy touch the small of my back all night, I have sterling moral standards and will not date someone who is not actually single. So I told him so, and he looked forlorn, but whatever, pouty boy, homey don't play that. Harmony was soon restored though, and I ate with my usual throng of men at the diner at 4 am.

A John and John Story:

Tonight was the They Might Be Giants/Dave Eggers concert, which was a lot of fun. The crowd was very much the National Dork Convention, enough to warm my little heart. Hmm, now I am getting too tired to review the whole thing, so I'll skip ahead to the TMBG part--they played a short set (no Istanbul), but it was very enjoyable and I was very close to. At some point ("New York City" ?) I had my own personal poignant moment of euphoria, wishing in my deepest soul for more, louder--I wanted to be up late for ever, going deaf up against the speakers. More more more.

Christopher came, and a guy that Juney likes and a few of his friends were also around, so we all went out for a drink after the show. I liked one of the friends, a writing grad student, very much, but he was unfortunately just visiting for the weekend.

Flans went right by me on the way out of the show. If I had been more alert I would have reached out to touch him just so I could say I had, because I am a nerd.

Tomorrow's fun-filled story: the toilet auger.

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