--> Act natural

( Thursday, Nov. 07, 2002 12:51 am )

>Trivial pursuits

Just got back from Quizo night with the science geeks, in my first outing with them and without Juney, which caused me major social anxiety just like in the Paxil comercial until I had a beer or so. Quizo is a bar trivia night, and it makes me feel important, cause the geeks don't know shiznit about my two areas of expertise, television and literature. Tonight I knew exactly three questions that no one else knew, a circumstance that, when it occurs while I'm watching Jeopardy!, makes me feel like the smartest girl in the world. What I especially like about my mad trivia skills is that sometimes even I don't know how I know something, but man, I know it. It makes me wonder what my brain is up to. But anyway, we got second place tonight, which is 35 bucks off the bar tab. It was my proudest moment. Although I would have been prouder if they had listened to me about Marconi inventing the radio, not Edison. Dummies. I'm just too shy shy, hush hush, eye to eye.

Interestingly enough, I was looking for something to do Friday night, because Juney is bringing her man Matt over either before or after they go out to dinner, I forget which, and I'm sure it's totally innocent, but I'd still like to make myself scarce, and I heard tonight that the science geeks are going out to a strip club (girlie type, not Chippendales) Fri. I'm not sure I'm up for that kind of outing. I'll have to determine what my official feminist viewpoint is on this first, but frankly, being a flat-chested lady, I've always been an admirer of boobies.

I sacrificed my NaNoWriMo page count to the gods of beer tonight, but I feel justified because I already wrote about 1500 words (totally craptastic, as evidenced at snovel) this morning to make up for my few hundred yesterday, when I was feeling kind of sick and only wanted to play the Sims and sleep. This is similar to every day, but I had good reason for once. Today I rallied. I made Dr. Almostreally's Health Elixir (chicken chili, which makes use of the vitamin-fortified variety of V8). Tomorrow I clean for Juney's man's upcoming visit.

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