--> Act natural

( Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2002 12:10 am )

>I love John and John

Weather-wise, today was finally one of those days I've been waiting for, and I made hay of it, as I now like to say, by walking around the city all afternoon. I spent the forenoon (heh) watching some TLC Daytime with Juney, since she did not have classes today. We're both unhappy with the changes made to A Dating Story.

Further, I'm very excited to attend a big ol pretentious literary event here in town this Saturday, part of Neal Pollack's (you may be familiar with him as America's greatest living writer--haha, postmodern!--But he appears to be the foe of David Foster Wallace, hence he is A-OK in my book)--anyway, Neal Pollack's little literary festival--a TMBG show with an extra set of some sort of Dave Eggers pretentious (I'm guessing) stage thing. This is so hip I can't even stand it, and it's this Saturday, and won't I be the coolest effin kid in the world if I go to it? Oh, I'm going all right, but I am perturbed to think that I'll have to go alone since everyone I know here is a science geek, and hence attaches no importance to pretentious literary events. My only hope is that since they are all geeks, I surely will be able to find one who likes TMBG. The only question: whatever shall I wear? Britney shirt, yeah? Or will I overdose on irony?

Woo hoo! Now this is what I moved to the city for. I may be a directionless loser, but I congratulate myself wholeheartedly for getting the frick out of my hometown, and Connecticut in general.

I'm definitely never going to be one of those cool kids who understands a "scene" of any sort. First of all, beneath my sarcastic veneer I am way, way too earnest, and also somewhat slow on the uptake, and secondly the "scene" I'm in most frequently is my apartment. I'm even afraid to go to our local coolkid coffeeshop because even the dogs out front are judging me. Actually, no, the dogs are fine. I usually say "hey buddy" to them as I go past, and then I think the hippies and punks and students all laugh at me.

I also really want to see Punch Drunk Love now, but I gots no one to see that with either. This is always my problem. How is it that I never have friends who like the same things I do? It's crazy, especially since I only like things that are good. Whatever. I hope I do see the science geeks en masse this week, cause I am going to drag them to cultural events, I swear to God.

Have you noticed that I've recently figured out how to do italics? I'm so proud of myself!

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